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Obtaining SFTP Credentials and Sync

FTP Imports, CSV File Source, CSV File Structure, SFTP Credentials. .csv

David Hoyt avatar
Written by David Hoyt
Updated over a week ago

CSV via FTP Imports

Structural supports keeping your users’ profiles up-to-date automatically via importing CSV files uploaded to a Structural-provided SFTP bucket. 

If you are storing your employees’ data on Google G-Suite or Azure Active Directory, a more powerful and automatic sync solution is available to you. 

CSV File Source

To begin this process, you’ll first want to ensure that you have a source for employee data which can export CSV files in a format Structural can understand. Many HRIS systems are capable of automating exports to an SFTP server; please consult the documentation for your specific HRIS system or identity provider to understand its capabilities further.

CSV File Structure

There are some requirements on the formatting and structure of CSV files which are imported into Structural. An ideal CSV file will:

  1. Contain one distinct employee on each line.

  2. Do not repeat the same employee on two different lines.

  3. Have a column which contains the email address, functioning as a primary key, for every employee.

  4. Have separate columns for every distinct field you wish to import.

There are no restrictions on how each column should be named, beside that they should have a name, should be unique, and should be clear in their purpose.

It is completely fine if some field values are missing for some users; these will simply be ignored during the import process. 

For a field like Skills, which contain a list of values, it is preferable to separate out each individual skill into its own column. The requirement that each column header be unique is still a factor, however; the best solution is to number them.

There is no limit to the number of users that can be included in a single CSV file, or the number of fields that are updated for each user.

An ideal, example CSV file is attached below.

Obtaining SFTP Credentials

To continue this setup, some manual setup on behalf of the Structural Enterprise Support team is necessary. 

You’ll be asked to provide a sample CSV file which represents the expected structure of the actual import when it is enabled. The content of the file isn’t required to be complete at this time; we are most interested in the header names and a row of sample data, for the purposes of validating compatibility with Structural’s systems to ensure the integrity of your data and how it is displayed to your employees. 

After this is provided, you’ll be given a credentials to access an SFTP server, including a host name, username, and password. 

At this time, you can configure your end of the sync whenever is most convenient for you. You may elect to send new CSV files any time you wish, as often as you wish. Any time a new CSV file is sent, Structural’s systems will pick it up and import the data. Most customers find that once a day offers the best experience for their employees.

Updating the CSV Structure

Updating the structure of the CSV file, which includes adding new fields, removing fields, or changing the intended destination of an existing field, is a process which starts with contacting the Structural Enterprise Support team, including the attachment of a new sample CSV file similar to the initial setup process. 

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