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Groups, join group, create group

Victoria Abderhalden avatar
Written by Victoria Abderhalden
Updated over a week ago

Structural Groups

We’ve built Structural Groups to provide you with a more targeted, data rich experience for collaborating and getting work done across departments, locations, projects, and even interests. Collaboration has never been easier, letting you connect with the right people at the right time. 

How are Structural Groups different?

Enterprise chat tools (i.e. Slack or Yammer) are an additional layer of communication beyond email and text messaging and can bring a helpful, more real-time and open way of connecting to the workplace. However, they often amplify the chatter inside an organization. 

Can't find that colleague in Slack? Check out our Slack integration which allows you to utilize Structural's intelligent search without leaving Slack.

The Structural Groups feature is focused on allowing everyone in your organization to find and connect with the right people at the right time. Once data-driven groups are formed you can quickly and easily communicate with everyone in the group within Structural, or with your existing communication tools. Structural makes your internal communications more targeted and more powerful than ever. 

Contact Structural if you’d like to learn how we can support your internal collaboration tools, such as Yammer, or Microsoft Teams. 

Locate Groups:

From the bottom navigation select the Groups tab.

From there you can join a group, browse other groups, or start your own group.

Your Groups:

Interacting in your group is identical to Connect. You can share posts, polls, and resources with a specific group of users. You also have the option to add members in the top right of your group. 

Browse Groups:

Next to My Groups you can browse other groups to join. 

Start a Group:

To start a group, click the +New icon in the top right when in the Groups Tab. 

From there you can:

  1. Add a Group photo

  2. Title your Group

  3. Add Members

  4. Provide a Group Description

  5. Toggle the Group be Private or remain Public

Group Details:

In the top right of any group you can click the ⓘ to explore the Group details. 

Here you can see:

  1. Group Title

  2. Description

  3. Date Created

  4. Group Owner

  5. Group Members

  6. Notification Preferences

  7. Leave/Delete Group

Now you are all set! 

You're ready to share, collaborate, and learn together.


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