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Managing Company Notifications

Notifications, Admin, Preferences, push notification, email notification

David Hoyt avatar
Written by David Hoyt
Updated over a week ago

Push, in-app and email notifications allow employees to stay connected through Connect posts, work anniversaries, birthdays, and other important information across the organization. Below are the step-by-step instructions to customize your notifications on Web or mobile devices for the entire company.

Here are the types of content that you can be notified about:

  • Connect Posts

  • Special Events - work anniversaries and birthdays

  • When Opportunity Marketplace is interacted with or closed

  • Groups you are added to

  • Messages from Structural

Configure how the entire company receives notifications about activity on Structural.

Disabling a notification type as an admin will override any preference set by the user. For example, if the user has Groups notifications turned on, but the admin disables it, the user will not receive notifications about Groups.

Disabling app notifications also disables notices for significant milestones: birthdays and anniversaries.

How to manage your team's notification settings:

1. Go to and select your profile photo and then Organization Admin.

2. Select Notification Preferences.

Notification Descriptions:

Enabling a notification as an admin does not automatically enable it for all users. The user’s notification preferences will determine the type of notification(s) the user receives.

Notification types:

  • App controls whether the notifications will appear in the notifications page on web and mobile.

  • Push controls whether mobile push notifications are sent, including “badge” icon display for new notifications on Android and iOS.

  • Email controls whether or not the corresponding event will trigger an email notification.

Examples of Notifications Types:

  • Non-onboarded Users: Send notification emails to users who have not completed the onboarding process in Structural. This will encourage all not onboarded employees to see the company activity and login and begin to utilize Structural.

  • Groups: Send notifications when users are added to a group or if post or comments have been created within that group that you have joined.

  • Opportunity Marketplace: Send notifications to users about opportunities they have interacted with or if an opportunity has been closed that a user has interacted with.

  • Posts: Send notifications to users about new posts (including polls, opportunities, photos or videos or tagged colleagues) along with post reactions, such as comments or likes.

  • Post Comments: Send notifications to users about comments on posts they’ve shared and additional comments on posts they’ve commented on. This is a mobile only toggle.

  • Milestones: Send notifications to users about significant milestones such as Birthdays (birth-year is excluded) and Work Anniversaries. This is a mobile only toggle.

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